Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We're getting "old"

Mike's 30th birthday was last weekend. He was freaking out about it for weeks leading up to it. Since it was such a big deal for him, I didn't do any of the "traditional" 30th birthday hoopla and we just had a pretty quiet day with Bridget.

This was Mike's cake.  He's not a fan of cake in general but LOVES these cheese filled coffee cake things.  So, happy birthday morning to Mike! (As an aside, Bridget has since been asking for cake every morning for breakfast.  She thought it was the best thing ever!)

These were Daddy's gifts.  Bridget colored packing paper with her markers.  I think it makes for pretty festive wrapping.

Later in the weekend, two of our very good friends J & S had us over for a celebration dinner.  They surprised us all with decorations and gifts.  Such sweet and giving people. Bridget was in heaven with all the balloons.

S is an amazing cook. We had red wine and gorgonzola filet with mashed potatoes and broccoli. For dessert...

...the most amazing cheesecake I've ever eaten.  Seriously.  It was Neapolitan, people. Layers of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla deliciousness all topped with fresh strawberries and chocolate sauce!  The night ended with laughing and visiting around the fire pit before we headed home.  Such a great night and Mike has transitioned to a "grown-up" pretty well.  I'm only six months behind...

1 comment:

v said...

Happy Birthday to Mike! I decided at some point that my thirties would be the decade in which I'd really become a grown up, but I might be changing my mind about that now.