Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's been almost 41 weeks

I unabashedly stole this from my friend JackiJaguar. She served this to her little one and the next day was headed to the hospital. Here's to hoping this little one will take notice!

Crazy Condos
123 I'm Done Way
Hot, Very 54321

June 4, 2009

Dear Baby Goldenrod,

This letter is in regards to previous requests to rectify issues resulting in complaints from your neighbors. Your belongings continue to exceed the amount permitted given the square footage of the property which is in direct violation of housing code M.O.M., section 5.15. We have tried to work with you to address this situation in a cordial manner, but are sorry to inform you that you are ordered to vacate the premises immediately. You must remove all belongings within 48 hours, return your key to the office and leave the property in the condition you initially found it in (minus normal wear and tear). Failure to do so will result in the loss of your security deposit.

Thank you,
The Management


Rotten said...

I second you eviction notice. OUT LITTLE GIRL!! You're driving your mommy crazy!

Zap said...


v said...

Hehe! I wonder what the security deposit is exactly. Hmm?

I also think that you were right with your original EDD. (Hmm, could it be that you know your own body? Huh, Dr Poke's Doctor, fancy that!)

Anyhow, I have to go clean toilets now. I've been putting it off and I thank you kindly for having provided this distraction.

v said...

Also, I actually had to ask Cardo the other day what I was like in my last week (also late, of course, because no child of mine could have been anything but a procrastinator, right?). He said I was a bit stir-crazy, but he said this with something between a grin and a wince so I'm thinking 'a bit' was his way of being kind.